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DepED NCR 2025 RSPC concludes with awarding of winners, NSPC qualifiers

The expressions of emotion among participants from the 16 Divisions of the National Capital Region...

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Director’s Corner

The 1st Regional Executive and Management Committee (REXREMANCOM) Meeting

The 1st Regional Executive and Management Committee (RExReManCom) meeting was held at Ciudad Christhia Resort...

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Notice of Award: Congratulations to the Successful Bidders

The Department of Education – National Capital Region (DepEd NCR) is pleased to announce the successful bidders who have been awarded contracts as part of our recent public bidding process. This marks a significant step towards enhancing the quality and efficiency of our educational services.

For a complete list of awarded bidders, please visit our official website at DepEd NCR Awarded Bidders.

We encourage all interested parties to review the details and stay informed about upcoming opportunities.

If you have any inquiries related to public bidding, please contact the Bid and Awards Committee through the BAC Secretariat. You can reach us via email at [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support and participation in our procurement processes.

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6Procurement of Medicines and SuppliesProcurement of Medicines and SuppliesEvent Manager: ESSD 7 8 9PRIME HRM – Interface Meeting with RD, ARD, ASDPRIME HRM – Interface Meeting with RD, ARD, ASDEvent Manager: HRDD ISO SYS v 2.0 Enhancement Progress MeetingISO SYS v 2.0 Enhancement Progress MeetingEvent Manager: QAD Online 10PRIME HRM – Recalibration of RTWGPRIME HRM – Recalibration of RTWGEvent Manager: HRDD 11 12
13Training for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in LineTraining for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in Linewith the Secondary Education Support Program (SESP) PAgsasanay para sa Guro ng JHS at SHS na nagtuturo ng Filipino na HIni Majors Event Manager: HRDD Angels HIlls Tagaytay City, Cavite Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1to 3 teachers on the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Event Manager: CLMD Leonidas Resort, Batangas 14Training for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in LineTraining for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in Linewith the Secondary Education Support Program (SESP) PAgsasanay para sa Guro ng JHS at SHS na nagtuturo ng Filipino na HIni Majors Event Manager: HRDD Angels HIlls Tagaytay City, Cavite Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1to 3 teachers on the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Event Manager: CLMD Leonidas Resort, Batangas 15Training for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in LineTraining for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in Linewith the Secondary Education Support Program (SESP) PAgsasanay para sa Guro ng JHS at SHS na nagtuturo ng Filipino na HIni Majors Event Manager: HRDD Angels HIlls Tagaytay City, Cavite RMEA ManeuverRMEA ManeuverEvent Manager: QAD NCR Conference Hall Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1to 3 teachers on the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Event Manager: CLMD Leonidas Resort, Batangas 16Training for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in LineTraining for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in Linewith the Secondary Education Support Program (SESP) PAgsasanay para sa Guro ng JHS at SHS na nagtuturo ng Filipino na HIni Majors Event Manager: HRDD Angels HIlls Tagaytay City, Cavite PM: Q1 RO PMT LE – Presentation of RO OPCRFPM: Q1 RO PMT LE – Presentation of RO OPCRFto the RO PMT Tentative date Event Manager: HRDD Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1to 3 teachers on the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Event Manager: CLMD Leonidas Resort, Batangas 17Training for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in LineTraining for JHS and SHS Filipino non-majors in Linewith the Secondary Education Support Program (SESP) PAgsasanay para sa Guro ng JHS at SHS na nagtuturo ng Filipino na HIni Majors Event Manager: HRDD Angels HIlls Tagaytay City, Cavite Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1Upskilling of School Heads, Kindergarten and Grade 1to 3 teachers on the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Event Manager: CLMD Leonidas Resort, Batangas 18 19
20Learning Engagement on the Consolidation andLearning Engagement on the Consolidation andFinalization of CY 2024 Financial and Budgetary Reports hosted by SDO Makati City Event Manager: Finance Linden Suites, 37 San Miguel Ave, Ortigas Center, Pasig, 1600 Metro Manila PM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTPM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTEvent Manager: HRDD Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Review of the Revised) Event Manager: CLMD Oasis Resort, Tanza 21Learning Engagement on the Consolidation andLearning Engagement on the Consolidation andFinalization of CY 2024 Financial and Budgetary Reports hosted by SDO Makati City Event Manager: Finance Linden Suites, 37 San Miguel Ave, Ortigas Center, Pasig, 1600 Metro Manila Regional Assessors TrainingRegional Assessors TrainingEvent Manager: HRDD PM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTPM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTEvent Manager: HRDD Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Review of the Revised) Event Manager: CLMD Oasis Resort, Tanza 22Learning Engagement on the Consolidation andLearning Engagement on the Consolidation andFinalization of CY 2024 Financial and Budgetary Reports hosted by SDO Makati City Event Manager: Finance Linden Suites, 37 San Miguel Ave, Ortigas Center, Pasig, 1600 Metro Manila Regional Assessors TrainingRegional Assessors TrainingEvent Manager: HRDD PM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTPM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTEvent Manager: HRDD Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Review of the Revised) Event Manager: CLMD Oasis Resort, Tanza 23Regional Assessors TrainingRegional Assessors TrainingEvent Manager: HRDD PM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTPM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTEvent Manager: HRDD Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Review of the Revised) Event Manager: CLMD Oasis Resort, Tanza 24Meeting with 7s TeamMeeting with 7s TeamEvent Manager: ASD Regional Assessors TrainingRegional Assessors TrainingEvent Manager: HRDD PM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTPM: Validation of SDO OPCRF to the RO PMTEvent Manager: HRDD Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Review of the Revised) Event Manager: CLMD Oasis Resort, Tanza 25Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Review of the Revised) Event Manager: CLMD Oasis Resort, Tanza 26Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Review of the Revised) Event Manager: CLMD Oasis Resort, Tanza
27Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Review of the Revised) Event Manager: CLMD Oasis Resort, Tanza 28Series of Workshops on the DevelopmentSeries of Workshops on the Developmentof Bridging Primer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Finalization) Event Manager: CLMD Axiaa Hotel, Quezon City PRAISE BenchmarkingPRAISE BenchmarkingEvent Manager: HRDD Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning Resources (Finalization) Event Manager: CLMD Axiaa Hotel, Quezon City 29Series of Workshops on the DevelopmentSeries of Workshops on the Developmentof Bridging Primer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Finalization) Event Manager: CLMD Axiaa Hotel, Quezon City Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning Resources (Finalization) Event Manager: CLMD Axiaa Hotel, Quezon City 30Series of Workshops on the DevelopmentSeries of Workshops on the Developmentof Bridging Primer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Finalization) Event Manager: CLMD Axiaa Hotel, Quezon City Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning Resources (Finalization) Event Manager: CLMD Axiaa Hotel, Quezon City 31Series of Workshops on the DevelopmentSeries of Workshops on the Developmentof Bridging Primer 2 Supplementary Learning resources (Finalization) Event Manager: CLMD Axiaa Hotel, Quezon City 20th National Convention of Lawyers From Milestones20th National Convention of Lawyers From Milestonesto Horizons: Strengthening the Future of the Legal Profession Event Manager: Legal Unit Cebu City, Philippines Series of Workshops on the Development of BridgingSeries of Workshops on the Development of BridgingPrimer 2 Supplementary Learning Resources (Finalization) Event Manager: CLMD Axiaa Hotel, Quezon City