The 1st Regional Executive and Management Committee (REXREMANCOM) Meeting
The 1st Regional Executive and Management Committee (RExReManCom) meeting was held at Ciudad Christhia Resort Hotel, San Mateo Rizal.
Regional Director Jocelyn DR. Andaya presided the meeting which focused on the Region’s plan, programs and projects for the FY 2024.

Likewise, the Region’s participation in national events such as Catch up Fridays – DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) day and the upcoming Launch of Bagong Pilipinas campaign were discussed.
Assistant Regional Director Cristito A. Eco presented the 3-year Development Plan which was the outcome of the 3-day workshop attended by Schools Division Superintendents, Assistant Schools Division Superintendents, RO Functional Division Chiefs, SGOD and CID Chiefs last January 10-12, 2024.