The Chronicle of USWAG Kabisera: SINAYA Cycle 1 of Professional Enhancement Program for Third-Level Officials

The USWAG Kabisera SINAYA Cycle 1 of the Professional Enhancement Program for Third-Level Officials kicked off with great enthusiasm from February 3 to 5, 2025, at Azelea Residences in Baguio City. This event marks a significant step forward in the Department of Education – NCR’s ongoing efforts to elevate leadership standards, in line with the region’s 3-year development plan under Priority No. 3: Capacitating School Heads and Teachers. The initiative is being carried out through the Human Resource Development Division (HRDD) and the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) Regional Office.

The opening day of the program set an inspiring tone for the participants as Regional Director for NCR and concurrent Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Operations, Dr. Jocelyn Andaya, CESO III, took the lead in facilitating the first session. In her compelling address, Dr. Andaya emphasized the importance of RISE — Resilience, Integrity, Service, and Excellence — as guiding principles for effective leadership. With passion and clarity, she urged the third-level officials of DepEd NCR to step up in leading their School Division Offices in alignment with the Office’s mantra, stressing that these values should be at the core of their leadership practices.

Dr. Andaya’s session not only set the stage for the program but also provided a clear connection to the first module: Integrity-Based Leadership. Through her guidance, she inspired participants to reflect on their leadership styles and their role in fostering integrity, which serves as the foundation for creating lasting and positive changes within the education system. Her message resonated deeply with the group, motivating them to rise to the occasion and embrace the responsibility they hold in shaping the future of education.

One of the most symbolic moments of the event was the Pinning Ceremony, which marked the beginning of a transformative journey for the participants. The pin, worn close to the heart, symbolizes their full commitment to the program and the values it represents. It is not just an accessory but a visible pledge to carry the principles of resilience, integrity, service, and excellence throughout their professional careers. The ceremony stands as a testament to the Regional Director’s unwavering support for the growth and development of education leaders in the region.

As the program progresses over the next two days, participants will engage in intensive sessions that will delve into the nitty-gritty of Integrity-Based Leadership. These in-depth discussions are designed to make the program not only meaningful but also impactful for the third-level officials. By equipping them with the necessary tools and insights, the program aims to empower leaders who will drive positive change in their respective School Division Offices and make a difference in the lives of learners across NCR.

With the dedication and commitment displayed by both the Regional Director and the participants, the SINAYA Cycle 1 of the Professional Enhancement Program promises to be a pivotal experience, shaping the future of educational leadership in the region and ensuring that these leaders will have a lasting impact on the learning outcomes of students in the years to come.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights as the program unfolds, creating waves of transformation within the educational leadership landscape.

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